Tips, Tricks and FYIs from a Nutrition Guru

Monday, September 10, 2012

Food Safety: Reusable Grocery Bags

Many of us have recently changed our grocery routine to include using reusable canvas or cloth grocery bags.  While this is great for the environment, it can be hazardous to our health if we don't follow some basic food safety principles.  Here are two tips to follow to not only help save the environment but to keep your food safe as well. 


1.  Wash the reusable bags in the washing machine with soap and water after each use.  All kinds of food goes in and out of these bags and cross contamination is a definite risk.  It may seem excessive but it's a simple step to take to ensure your families health. 

2.  If you purchase meat ask the clerk to place it in separate plastic bags.  Raw meat can carry bacteria and other contaminates that will be removed in the cooking process but can easily cross contaminate other foods.  Many stores actually have a policy not to place the meats in the canvas bags or at the very least insist on wrapping them in a plastic bag before putting them in the canvas bag. 

Finally one addition food safety tip for grocery shopping:

3.  Start your shopping trip with ready to cook, packaged shelf stable foods and finish with the perishable foods like meat, dairy and fresh fruit and vegetables.  Many of these products are safest at refrigerated temperatures and starting with them items can raise the temperatures above the safe zone.